restorative dentistry

Pediatric Restorative Dentistry In Virginia Beach, Virginia

Restorative Dentistry Treatments For Your Child

Restorative dentistry treatments are an important part of taking care of your child’s teeth and ensuring they grow healthy and strong. The goal of restorative dentistry is to help restore functionality, and strengthen and improve the appearance of damaged or decayed teeth. Ultimately, we want your child’s smile to last for a lifetime!

Our Restorative Dentistry Services

We offer a range of pediatric restorative dentistry treatments for our patients. When choosing the appropriate treatment for your child, our pediatric dentists take into account multiple factors, including the type of tooth (primary versus permanent), your child’s oral hygiene and your child’s temperament. These restorative dentistry treatments include:


Fillings are used to repair a cavity on a primary or permanent tooth. A cavity is the result of a multifactorial process that causes the destruction of a tooth’s enamel over time. While tooth enamel can repair itself at a certain point with good hygiene and dental care, by the time a cavity has formed the decay can not be reversed. To prevent further damage, the tooth is treated with filling material made of amalgam or composite resin. Additionally, fillings restore the tooth’s function and structure.


Crowns are prefabricated full coverage restorations that are placed over a child’s tooth when a filling cannot adequately repair the damage caused by a cavity or trauma. They help to restore the tooth’s shape, size, strength and appearance and prevent additional wear or decay. At Beach Kids Dentistry our dentists use stainless steel and composite crowns, depending on the type and location of the tooth needing it.


Pulpitis is when the pulp, or nerve, of your tooth is inflamed and can be caused by cavities/tooth decay or tooth trauma, such as a cracked tooth. A pulpotomy involves removing part of the pulp, or the inner part of the tooth, while saving the tooth’s root. This is the best option to save a tooth if the inflammation is limited to the tooth’s pulp and has not caused an infection or abscess.


Sometimes our dentists will determine that a tooth cannot be restored and may require extraction or removal. If the tooth has severe decay, is impacted or more, we will determine that an extraction is the best option for your child. There are many reasons why your child might need a tooth to be extracted, including severe tooth decay, overcrowding, impacted teeth and trauma.

Space Maintainers

If a baby tooth is lost prematurely, meaning it falls out or is extracted before its natural time, it can lead to several potential dental issues and complications. Space maintainers are essential appliances that can make a significant difference in your child’s dental development. These devices can help fill the gap left by a lost baby tooth and help prevent misalignment of the erupting permanent teeth.

Treating Dental Anxiety With Sedation Dentistry

Our pediatric dentists may recommend the use of mild sedation during your child’s dental procedure, which can help reduce your child’s anxiety and ensure a comfortable experience. Our sedation options are deemed safe and effective by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. They can help your child relax while remaining alert and aware throughout their procedure. We will recommend one of the following sedation methods based on the desired level of sedation:

  • Nitrous Oxide: Commonly referred to as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is delivered through a nasal hood. It is fast-acting, and patients almost immediately feel its effects. However, its effects dissipate quickly once the hood is removed, within about 5 minutes.

  • Valium: Valium is a benzodiazepine liquid given to your child.The most common side effects of Valium include drowsiness, unsteadiness and lack of coordination. After their appointment, your child should stay home from school under your or another adult’s supervision. However, they should be able to return to school and their normal activities the next day.

If you have questions or concerns about our sedation options, call our office at (757) 467-7797. We’re happy to discuss ways to help your child feel more comfortable during their visit!

Make a Splash
with Your Smile

Sea The Beach Kids Dentistry Difference

We believe that a lifetime of healthy smiles begins with a positive and fun dental experience. Our kid-friendly office and experienced pediatric dentists are here to provide compassionate, patient-focused and specialized pediatric dental care.

children laughing and running on beach